⚽️⚽️ Top 10 confirmed transfer of the season 2019  ⚽️⚽️

These are the Top 10 confirmed transfer of the  season 2019

  Riyad mahrez  to Manchester city
 (71,500,000£   until 2023

Malcom to fc Barcelona
41,000,000£     until 2013

Thibaut courtios to real Madrid
35,000,000£   until 2024

Douglas Costa to juventus
40,000,000£    until 2022

Arthur to Barcelona
31,000,000£     until 2014

Arturo Vidal to Barcelona until 2021
18,000,000£        until 2021

Keepa Arrizabaga to Chelsea
80,000,000£      until 2025

Thomas Lemar to Ath Madrid
70,000,000£   until 2023

Allison to Liverpool

62,000,000£ until2024

Fred to mant United
59,000,000£  until 2023